Join us for the Rainbow Bridge Ceremony!
What is a Rainbow Bridge Ceremony?
In Waldorf School tradition, the Rainbow Bridge ceremony is “a rite of passage” or graduation for kindergarteners entering the first grade. During the Rainbow Bridge ceremony the children are given a flower by their Kindergarten teacher and cross the bridge to present their new First Grade teacher with the flower. In Waldorf education, the first grade teacher stays with the same class for the duration of first to eighth grade. The bridge symbolizes the bond between child and teacher, and the journey from the early childhood to childhood.
Threefold Village Rainbow Bridge
Threefold Village will offer the crossing for the Kindergarteners of our Village going into First grade, then extend the crossing for Grades children in a special way. Preschoolers are welcome to attend the ceremony; but will not cross the bridge. The younger children will be given a special task to involve and engage them in the event! Crossing the Rainbow Bridge is a “rite” of passage from “Early Childhood” into the “Grades,” and when the time is right. For grades children who have not yet experienced the Rainbow Bridge, we will modify the ceremony in a way that each child can cross in a meaningful and reverent way.
After the children have crossed, a special age appropriate story will be told. Once the stories are completed, the community will gather for a pot luck. Please sign up for an item to bring for the potluck at this link:
The event will be held at:
Mayor’s Bicentennial Park
1987 Loma Vista Dr
Glendale, CA 91208
Reminders / Need to Know
As always, be prepared for the weather of the day. Bring plenty of water and something to contribute to the potluck.
*This park has a parking lot directly in front of the park.