Summer ’23 Ages 7 – 9, Calculations and Construction! – Jul 10 to 12 and Jul 17 to 19


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SKU: TFV-07052023-SUM-ECP2-1 Categories: ,


DATE & TIME:  Schedule 3 days each weeks of July 10 – July 21st, 2023 9:30am-3:00pm.

AGES: 7 to 9y

PRICE: $525

LEAD EDUCATORS: Ozo Jeff and Mrs. Rinks

An action-packed 6 days (3 days each of two weeks) of figuring out and building something you will never forget!   Children will engage in a customized experience of learning through hands-on creative experience.   At the end of the experience, the children will leave with their finished work, or with the knowledge to complete their project at home, at their own pace.

The project focuses on creating a stringed instrument, and the discovery of  acoustical physics.  This is an excellent way to extend learning using Waldorf-oriented phenomenon based science!

This is a fun, project-oriented experience, not meant to be academically intensive, yet the children will certainly gain knowledge and confidence through useful  , physical phenomenon, and units of measure.

*Note:  Subject to change.  Availability is limited.